How to Design LMS Based Online Examinations in Asynchronous Mode

In medical universities and engineering universities during the 1980s-90s when cheating and copying culture was rampant, faculty members primarily used to rely on viva examinations for awarding final grades. Vivas and presentations even today during on-site classes are preferred for MS thesis, PhD Thesis, capstone projects, final year projects, clinical, lab practicals, and senior design projects at all the universities. For these assessments, viva/presentations are considered to be more effective for grading the students’ learning. Students typically submit written reports or progress. For assessors and evaluators, it is more important to understand the extent to which students have digested the contents of the report or their practical experience. The content of assignments and online submissions is only an indicator from which the teacher needs to ascertain what the student actually knows and understands. Vivas and project displays during exhibitions are more effective in determining their depth of understanding. Even in our interviews for admission and employment, we find people with impressive testimonials and CVs. However, their worth and depth is easily revealed in a few minutes of questioning through viva-like interviews.
This post focuses on self-paced, deep learning experience 
I would like the teachers to have this facility for assessment. Please note that giving individual time of even 3-5 minutes to a student calls for a huge amount of time investment of the faculty teaching 120 students. But, it is a wonderful device. And we had seen teachers investing this time in 1980s-90s ferreting out the deserving from the non-deserving and separating the wheat from the chaff.
  1. Assumptions of Conventional Exam vs Assumptions of LMS Based Online Exam
  2. Using Rubrics to Manage Anxiety Created by LMS Based Online Assignments
  3. How much time does it take to write an Exam in the LMS Based Online Exam Taken in Asynchronous Mode
  4. Understanding the Four Critical Stages of LMS Technology Assimilation- A Case Study of a Pakistani University
  5. Why There are so Many Assignments on the LMS


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