Learning and Life Blog

  • Why this current urgency about visions and entrepreneurship

    Why this Current Urgency about Long Term Visions and Entrepreneurship — Global Challenges and Opportunities Information age economy will have most people working from their homes and mobiles through internet on a per project basis for different companies. They would be paid not because they have a CV containing a list of large number of…

  • Are you really concerned about your child’s education

    Worried about School Assessments (WASL)  If you are really concerned about your child’s progress in education, what you should be doing before you start running towards the school complaining and then hiring expensive tutors. There are parents who get worked up quite frequently about their child’s performance in school. Every few weeks their blood pressure…

  • Bell Curve Evaluation of Students: Islamic and Secular Perspectives

    A “bell curve” is the holy grail for which the academicians force the grades of the students to be distributed in a form that resembles a bell shape as given in the figure below. Mythical Bell Curve of Intelligence The underlying assumption is that intelligence is distributed (genetically and empirically) in this bell curve shape…