Business/Consultancy Projects

Business/Consultancy Projects

Establishment of Learn to Learn (L2L) Academy
Ahsan Memorial Projects
Study of Business Process Requirements and R&D for Metadata Based ERP for ePatterns
BPR, Change Management and ERP Consultancy for Pakistan Steel Computerization
BPR and ERP Implementation Consultancy
BPR and ERP Implementation Planning Consultancy for POF (Pakistan Ordnance Factories) Computerization Project
Architecting of ERP
ITCN Asia 2002 
ITCN Asia 2001 
10 E-Commerce Action Plan
11 E-Patterns
1Pakistan Ordnance Factories Computerization
13 E-Commerce Project
14 National IT Policy
15 Change Management & Reengineering for CBR
16 Research on E-Commerce Implications for Pakistan
17 MIS and Computing Productivity for CBR Officers 
18 Strategic Initiatives for IBA
19 Coordination for the IT Initiative of the Governor of Sindh
20 Capacity Building and Monitoring of Transactions for CBR/FBR
21 IT Consultancy for Oxford University Press 

2011-12 Establishment of Learn to Learn (L2L) Academy

Launch of Project Based Learning (PBL) School. The project involves developing a new niche in the private schools by focusing on a child-centered curriculum in a PBL environment. The school is designed around the skills required for the 21st century and its fast pace of change. Donor: Learn to Learn (L2L) Academy; Execution: Learn to Learn (L2L) Academy

2011 Launch of L2L Club Weekday program where the learning environment encompasses focusing on each of the “multiple intelligences” in a club like environment.
Donor: Ahsan Education Foundation; Execution: Ahsan Education Foundation

Ahsan Memorial Projects

Ahsan Memorial ProjectsSetup of Ahsan Memorial Library with a vision to make it a birth place of ideas, and a place to archive our social and cultural history.Series of Learn to Learn (L2L) Sunday=Funday program for kids and family. Over 25 such programs were organized to pilot and test the strengths and feasibility of PBL approach to learning and education. Organized a series workshops by Society of Iqbal Studies at Ahsan Memorial consisting of over 30 such events where the objective was to present and interpret the works by Iqbal and other literary joints in determining our future and our past.    
Donor: Ahsan Education Foundation; Execution: Ahsan Education Foundation

2010-13 Design and launch of the innovative Social Advocacy Projects for helping poor families.  A scalable and self-sustainable framework for the university environment that has helped over 200 poor families. A poor family is selected by a student group and is given financial support for enabling a micro-business through funding generated by the students. Enabled and guided the launch of entrepreneurial business ventures by business students. A scalable and self-sustainable framework for the university environment. Over two dozen commercial ventures launched and currently sustained by students through the efforts of the entrepreneurial development center.       
Donor: KIET; Execution: KIET

BPR and ERP Implementation Consultancy

2009        Started Ahsan Education Foundation (Ahsan Memorial) in memory of my late parents.To develop a love of learning and education in the society. To transform the goal of education from a “job-earner” to the reformation of society and environment.    Donor: Ahsan Education Foundation; Execution: Ahsan Education Foundation

2008   Establishment of “Technology Innovation Center” at KIET to commercialize the research and development projects of the institute. The center actively collaborates with the industry and the students to make their final year projects and their MS/PhD research relevant to the industry. It provides consultancy to the industry organizations and the students for enabling commercial prototyping and new business ideas.Establishment of “Center for Entrepreneurship” with the objective of changing the goal of higher education from getting good jobs to creation of new ideas and new jobs. Launch of several new businesses.    Donor: KIET; Execution: KIET

Study of Business Process Requirements and R&D for Metadata Based ERP for ePatterns

2006-08  Study of Business Process Requirements and R&D for Metadata Based ERP for ePatterns

R&D for an innovative highly flexible ERP product idea

 Study of business processes of over 30 companies belonging to local industries such as textiles, packaging and paper products, pharmaceuticals, rice export, engineering, etc.

 Study of major ERP products such as Oracle ERP, SAP, JD Edwards

Identification of a  meta business process common to 80% of the business processes

Design and development of the major upgrade of the ERP product based on meta-data concept.  
 Donor: e-Patterns Pvt Ltd; Execution: e-Patterns Pvt Ltd

BPR, Change Management and ERP Consultancy for Pakistan Steel Computerization

BPR, Change Management and ERP Consultancy for Pakistan Steel Computerization
IT Consultant for the upgradation of the IT Infrastructure with the objective of streamlining of business processes, their design and ease of change management.

Study and selection of an ERP to transform the legacy systems and processes of a government organization.  
 Donor: Pakistan Steel; Execution: KIET

2000-06  BPR and ERP Implementation Consultancy

Implemented ERP in over 30 companiesConsultancy for Business Patterns ERP 

 Study of business processes and business process re-engineering and change management for the implementation  
Donor: e-Patterns Pvt Ltd; Execution: e-Patterns Pvt Ltd

2003BPR and ERP Implementation Planning Consultancy for POF (Pakistan Ordnance Factories) Computerization Project

Consultant for developing an IT strategy and streamlining the implementation of ERP in 14 factories and 18 departments of POF, Wah Cantt. 

Use of ERP for transforming the business processes and achieving strategic business advantage through cost efficiencies and flexibility of operations. 

Donor: Pakistan Ordnance Factories, Wah; Execution: Dr Syed Irfan Hyder

Architecting of ERP

Architecting of ERP Research &design of a flexible, multi-company, modular, integrated ERP software product for clients in automobile, textile, trading and other industries.

 Study of business processes in packaging industry, rice exports, textiles, auto (motor cycles), manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, service, education, engineering and other industries. 

2002ITCN Asia 2002

2002ITCN Asia 2002
Official management consultant to the IT exhibition and conference.

 The conference and exhibition laid the foundation for the state of the art management of exhibition events.  

Donor: E-Commerce Gateway; Execution: Dr Irfan Hyder

2001ITCN Asia 2001

2001ITCN Asia 2001
Member of the core team and the Steering Committee of the IT exhibition and conference

Design of the exhibition and conference as a change agent for the transformation of the business and industry in Karachi. In 2000-01, there was a general dispondency due to violence in Karachi, and the expo center was lying unused for several years. ITCN 2001 in collaboration with Jamal Yellow Pages and ECGateway Singapore was envisioned to transform the business landscape of Karachi. It was the catalyst and the first major exhibition that transformed the TDB (EPB)’s Expo Center from a dormant facility to a thriving facility in a few years, a facility that is booked all over the year with industry specific events and programs. The interest generated and the crowds attracted by the exhibition changed the paradigms for such exhibitions.   
     Donor: E-Commerce Gateway; Execution: Dr Irfan Hyder

DHA IT Park Survey and Feasibility
DHA IT Park Survey & FeasibilityFor Defense Housing Society, Karachi. Study of the business incubators, technology entrepreneurship eco-system and development of a blue print to transform a large vacant plot in the cantonment area from a dormant place in to a thriving opportunity for launch of new businesses and ventures.

A physical survey of software houses and IT companies was conducted in the city to determine their requirements and preferences for such a facility. 
 Donor: DHA, Karachi; Execution: Irfan Hyder Associates

2000E-Commerce Action Plan

2000E-Commerce Action Plan
 The plan was presented to Federal Cabinet & Chief Executive/President on behalf of Minister for Science and Technology. 
The plan was prepared by E-Commerce Working Group of the Ministry of Science and Technology in consultation with major stakeholders with the objective of increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of Pakistani products and services.


Start-up of E-Patterns Software Solution Company.
 Donor: E-Patterns (Pvt) Ltd; Execution: E-Patterns

Pakistan Ordnance Factories Computerization

Pakistan Ordnance Factories Computerization
 ERP Project Planning for the huge complex of 14 POF Factories & 70 shops with over 35,000 employees. 
Donor: Pakistan Ordnance Factories, Wah; Execution: Dr Irfan Hyder

E-Commerce Project

E-Commerce Project
Developed an E-Commerce Implementation Plan for Pakistan

As head of MoST’s E-Commerce working group, coordinated the finalization of the action plan through extensive collaborations with resource persons from EPB, Customs, SBP, banks, law ministry, IT professionals and other local and international stakeholders

 Developed project proposals for the infrastructure and awareness/training of the stakeholders.
Donor: Ministry of Science and Technology; Execution: IBA

National IT Policy

National IT Policy
Formulation of the E-Commerce section of the National IT Policy for Ministry of Science & Technology.

Member of steering committee that developed the recommendations for the National IT policy.

Donor: Ministry of Science and Technology; Execution: Computer Society of Pakistan

1999 Change Management & Reengineering for CBR

1999 Change Management & Reengineering for CBR
Training Programs for change agents of CBR developed and conducted for over 120 senior officers including collectors

Research on E-Commerce Implications for Pakistan

Research on E-Commerce Implications for Pakistan
Won a competitive research bid from EPB (TDB), Ministry of Commerce to research economic, tax and legal implications and implementation of E-Commerce in Pakistan.

Research Reports submitted to EPB/TDB, Ministry of Commerce:
Executive Report – Vol-1
Vol-2: Economic Implications of E-Commerce
Vol-3: Legal Issues of E-Commerce
Vol-4: Implementation Plan for E-Commerce in Pakistan
Vol-5: Financial Electronic Payment SystemsDonor: EPB(TDB); Exeuction: IBA; Amount: 18lacs

MIS and Computing Productivity for CBR Officers

MIS and Computing Productivity for CBR Officers
 Training Programs for office computing and MIS applications for change agents of CBR developed and conducted for over 120 officers. 
Donor: CBR(FBR); Execution: IBA; Amount: Rs. 35 lacs

1998-99  Strategic Initiatives for IBA

1998-99  Strategic Initiatives for IBA
Strategic IT Initiatives launched for IBA
that increased the revenues from IT related BCS, MIS, MDP programs by ten folds.
Strategic diversification of IBA through the launch of Computer Science degree, IBA’s first non-business oriented degree program.
Donor: IBA; Execution: IBA 

1997 Coordination for the IT Initiative of the Governor of Sindh

1997 Coordination for the IT Initiative of the Governor of Sindh Coordinated with heads of computer departments of Sindh Universities for Governor of Sindh to redesign curriculum, develop IT capacity.
 Donor: Governor of Sindh; Execution: IBA

1996  Capacity Building and Monitoring of Transactions for CBR/FBR

1996  Capacity Building and Monitoring of Transactions for CBR/FBR
A joint project of IBA and LUMS for CBR/FBR with  Dr. Hafiz Pasha and Dr. Javed Ghani of LUMS. 

Identification of large industry data sets with various public and industry organizations and development of a model for capacity building of CBR/FBR for the monitoring of business transactions and improving the efficiency of tax revenue collection.

 Development of linkages for the integration and consolidation of the data-sets for multi-dimensional analysis and forecasting.Donor: FBR(CBR); Execution: IBA-LUMS

1995-97  IT Consultancy for Oxford University Press

1995-97  IT Consultancy for Oxford University Press
 Strategic IT Implementation for Oxford University Press:
 Implemented an ERP solution brought from India 
Indigenous training and development of expertise to run, manage and locally extend the system because of the uncertain situation of Indian visa.
Donor: Oxford University Press; Execution: Oxford University Press

2.E-Commerce Project

E-Commerce Project of the ECWG, E-Commerce Working Group (1999-2002) of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Pakistan.
 [This page is under-construction and is being updated]
See the Report 
ECWG Members
Chronology of E-Commerce Project Activities
E-Commerce Enablement through Banking Sector Initiatives E-Commerce Project Related Coordination with Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)
E-Commerce Working Group Initiatives Linkages with International
E-Commerce Experience and Learning
E-Commerce Awareness and Training Initiatives
E-Commerce Project Visits
 E-Commerce Stakeholders Related Initiatives
E-Commerce Project Consultancy