E-Patterns Skill Set

Strong team of analysts, designers and architects

  • Expertise in latest tools and methodologies
  • Capability of tackling complex development projects
  • Management with both business and technology backgrounds
  • In-depth knowledge of business processes
  • Ability to understand, communicate and fulfill business requirements
  • Conceptual skills that provide flexibility to target new tools and environments
  •  Databases: MS SQL Server, Oracle, Access, FoxPro
  • Front-end: Visual Basic, Oracle Developer 2000, HTML, DHTML
  • Middle Tier: C++, ASP, COM/DCOM, ADO, MTS, JSP, Servlets, Java Beans
  • OS: Windows NT, Unix, Linux
  • Web Servers: IIS, Apache, JWS, WebLogic
  • Modeling tools: Rational Rose, ERWIN