E-Patterns Business Patterns

Business Patterns: A Product of E-Patterns (Pvt.) Ltd.

Report as of Nov 2005


  1. Our Experience
  2. Business Patterns (ERP) Versions

E-Patterns are developers and implementers of Business Patterns, which is a mini-ERP product. Business Patterns is designed to meet the business requirements of small and medium sized businesses and has been successfully implemented at over 30+ companies ranging from a few up to 500 employees.

R&D and implementation of Business Patterns has now been going on for over 5 years. The product design is based on features extracted from leading ERPs that have been mapped to over 50 local companies from variety of industries to meet the requirements of SMEs. The design has evolved over three generations of products and their implementations in broad array of industries.

Currently, our focus is exclusively on the sales and implementation of Business Patterns. However, in the past we have been involved in customized software development, IT project management and consultancy, professional management training and organizing of exhibitions and conferences.

Our Experience

Business Patterns is an integrated ERP system that has been successfully implemented in a wide range of manufacturing, trading and service firms. It has been successfully implemented in 30+ companies covering a wide-spectrum of business ranging over textile, food, pharmaceutical, spare parts manufacturing, engineering, process manufacturing, service, packaging, consultants, and miscellaneous trading organizations.

Analysis and design of a flexible, multi-company, modular, integrated ERP software product for over 30 clients in textile, trading and other industries. This is a software product development project which has already consumed over 120 man-years of effort and is currently in its third version and has been deployed at scores of companies. The software consists of the following modules: Inventory, Sales, GL, Purchase Ordering, Sales Ordering, Invoicing, Receivables, Payables, HR, Payroll, Production, Assets, etc. The system is a multi-company, multi-group, mult-business unit, multi-currency, multi-location, multi-UoM.

Our sales and implementation experience in the Pakistani market has taught us to incorporate features in to our software that are required by the clients. Good to have features or features available in hi-fi products typically makes the implementations complex and the product becomes difficult to assimilate leading to long deployment times and even implementation failures.

With successive implementation of the ERP we have now learned to close the ERP implementation process within reasonable limits of time and resource constraints. We have learned to cope with wide variety of clients, especially those going for integrated software for the first time. Change management involved with the setting up of an IT infrastructure and introduction of software in places where there has been no tradition of software implementations. With the maturity of our product and with this rich experience, it has become possible for us to close the implementations satisfactorily at a much faster pace.

We have also done export projects for US/Saudi Arabia/Japan/Canada/UK. These include Integrated ERP Systems, automobile inventory control system, Web Based Calendaring/Scheduling System. Additional internal projects include Software Project Management Tools such as Bug Tracking Tool, Client Version Migration Tool.

Business Patterns (ERP) Versions

Maturity gained through several versions and many releases deployed at over 50+ companies

YearsVersion No.Latest ReleaseLive ClientsModules
2000- 04Ver 1-27010Accounts, sales, purchase, inventory
2002- 05Ver 1-55913Business Unit Accounts, sales, purchase, inventory, costing
2003-06Ver. 2-4659Multi-company, multi-segment accounting, sales, purchase, imports, inventory, costing, production, payroll, exports
2005-Ver. 3 (Dot Net)R&D All modules of Ver 2-4 with advanced technological innovations of self-test, implementation wizards, configurability, user friendliness.