Can Corruption Problem be Solved by Hanging a Few Thousands?

کیا 5 ہزار کو لٹکانے سے کرپشن سے نجات ملے گی؟ انقلاب فرانس 40 ہزار مارے، انقلاب روس 20 ملین مارے: کوئی افاقہ،  بہتری، حل نہ ہوا!

1. Nations that forget history are forgotten by history. History tells us that mass killings, mass purges, indiscriminate hanging of suspects has never solved any problem for any nation. Whether it was French Revolution in 1789, or Russian Revolution in 1917, or Iranian Revolution in 1979. Several despots has tried this recipe and have failed miserably.

2. We in Pakistan must remember that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

3. Also note that 60,000 were killed in Iranian revolution + millions killed in Iran-Iraq war imposed by USA as a revenge for revolution. Nothing got sorted out.

4. I first wrote about sentiments of hanging people and French revolution years ago  in the blogpost during Panama Case when they were clamoring for retribution with off-with-their-heads slogans.

See other posts on Corruption: 

  1. Can Corruption Problem be Solved by Hanging a Few Thousands?
  2. Can Corruption be Eliminated by Hanging a few Thousands through Panama Case like Judgments
  3. Corruption is a cause or symptom of Government Inefficiency- Challenge for Imran Khan
  4. Covey’s First Habit Advice to Proponents of Corruption Eradication First 
  5. How Corruption is being Eliminated in Pakistan since 1950s: Corruption as a Ruse to Maintain Status Quo
  6. How to Eliminate Corruption in Pakistan: Simplicity and Transparency of Bureaucratic Procedures
  7. It is not corruption but incompetence and inefficiency that is the fundamental problem of third world countries 


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