Neocolonialism Objectives for Third World Countries like Pakistan

[To understand the context of this post, please read At What Cost! Why Compute Economic Costs of Faulty Political Decisions]
Work in Process:

خبردار جو ایمپریس مارکیٹ کی طرح ٹھیلے/پتھارے سے حلال روزی کمائ! انہیں تباہ کر کے تاجِ برطانیہ کا طمطراق واپس لائیں گے: کالے انگریز

ٹیکس چور deserve کرتے ہیں!
آٹوموبیل سیکٹر میں اربوں کے خسارہ کے بعد مہینے میں دس دن کام بند، ایک شفٹ بند، ڈیڑھ لاکھ ملازمتیں ختم

خبردار جو عدالتی و حکومتی فیصلے و کاروائی قومی زبان میں کی: اگر عوام نے سب سمجھ لیا تو ہمارے اللے تللے ختم ہو جائیں گے: کالے بابو

خبردار جو طلباء کو حقوق، آئین و سیاست کے رموز پڑھانے کی کوشش کی- ہمیں $200 ارب دو دن میں واپسی پر اندھا دُھن یقین کرنے والے چاہیے!

خبردار جو کسی نے ریلوے کی پابندئ وقت کو 70% تک اٹھانے میں کامیابی لی:اب ہم 30%کرکے، دوبارہ اس کو بلور لیول تک لے جا کر دم لیں گے! جناب عزت مآب شیخ رشید کی ریلوے کو بلور کے لیول تک لے جانے کی کامیابیوں کا مظہر
خبردار جو کسی نے بیوروکریسی کو متحرک کر کے ملکی مسائل حل کرنے پر لگایا! نیب و حوالات سے ڈرا کر کیسا زبردست ناطقہ بندکیا، منجمد کیا
خبردار جو کسی نے ریلوے کی پابندئ وقت کو 70% تک اٹھانے میں کامیابی لی:اب ہم 30%کرکے، دوبارہ اس کو بلور لیول تک لے جا کر دم لیں گے!
خبردار جو کسی نے نیوکلیئر پروگرام کیلئے انکل سام کی حکم عدولی کی: بھٹو، ڈاکٹر قدیر، نواز شریف کے حشر سے سبق حاصل کرو!
خبردار جو کسی امریکہ پلٹ ڈاکٹر سعید اختر یا ڈاکٹر عامر نے ملک کی خدمت کرنے کی کوشش کی ! ایسا سبق دیں گے کے کئ نسلیں یاد رکھے گیں- اس لیے PKLI کو جان ہاپکنز ہاسپٹل بنانے کی سالوں کی محنت ملیامیٹ کر دی گئی ! اور بے عزتی الگ کی گئی ہے
خبردار! جو کسی نے 90 ارب میں 3 میٹرو بنانے کی کوشش کی:اُس کرپٹ کا زن و بچہ کوہلو میں پلوا دیں گے- 100ارب میں1 نامکمل میٹرو بنتی ہے
“خبردار! جو کسی نے لاہور کو پیرس بنانے کا نام لیا! ہم اُس کو پشاور کے رتبہ پر فائز کر کے ہی دم لیں گے!”
US wan
US wants Pakistan at war with Iran and Afghanistan to fulfill its agenda: How will this be made possible? What’s the bait? Trigger?

It is easy to criticise democracy. People do it with abandon. However the intellectual challenge is not in criticizing its demerits, every one knows about them, but in establishing a working alternative system today that works. In the words of Churchill spoken around 70-80years ago:
“Democracy is the worst form of government, except all others that have been tried “

Proponent of Chinese model should implement it in Pakistan or some non-chinese countries before it can be considered as a “model”. A single case is an experience and does not make it a model.

The detractors of democracy in Pakistan always start this debate when time comes to hand over power to elected representatives. This is a narrative designed to support neocolonial rule in developing countries. The islamic arguments are used by the status-quo forces to subdue the emergence of Islamic representatives. Many well thinking intellectuals fall prey to this argument. Islamic parties were co-opted in Pakistan by the dictators like dictator Gen Zia. Dictators Gen Ayub n Gen Musharraf benefitted from raising this debate to prolong their rule. This and its supporting narratives have been instrumental in prolonging the rule of dictators in all the Muslim countries especially Pakistan as explained below:

Neo-Colonialism Service
“Had Pakistan not played its positive role, the United States might not be the uni-super power in the world,” the DG ISPR said…. 

18th Amendment not bad as a whole: DG ISPR

How to identify DoN (Doctrine of Necessity) promoters and followers. Understand their narrative. Also see my post Narratives Designed to Dishonor Popular Choice and Support Neo-Colonialism:

Unelected elites (judges/ dictators/bureaucrats) have terminated all 16 elected PMs since 1951 to serve neocolonialism interests with DoN: Doctrine of necessity, and specially designed narratives.

Unelected elites trampling on people’s votes using falsely constructed narratives is typical neocolonialism powerplay. Unelected elites heap scorn on decision of people, treat people’s vote with contempt and decide for people what is good and bad. Never letting the people decide.

Neocolonialism, or neo-imperialism is the practice of using capitalism, globalization and cultural imperialism to influence a developing country in lieu of direct military control (imperialism) or indirect political control (hegemony). It was coined by Kwame Nkrumah in the context of African countries undergoing decolonization in the 1960s. Neo-colonialism is also discussed in the works of Western thinkers such as Jean-Paul Sartre (Colonialism and Neo-colonialism, 1964)[1] and Noam Chomsky (The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism, 1979).[2] [Wikipedia]

Why USA wants a Single-Call-UTurn-Dictator?
To disrupt CPEC and strangulate China in South China Sea, and Middle East?

Recent efforts to destabilize democracy in Pakistan and to install a new dictator are designed to greatly help neo-colonialism of USA in strangulating the spread of China ‘s influence. Clipping the wings of CPEC can now only be done through a single-Call-UTurn dictatorship. The groundwork for converting CPEC from “game changer” to “game over” is being laid through:
(1) USAID funded economists who are already promoting the case of CPEC being economically infeasible,
And simultaneously
(2) non-elected elites (supporters of dictatorships historically) who are establishing the case that CPEC is just a means of corruption because ALL politicians are corrupt/traitors.

The Big Picture. Meta Narratives in the service of neo-colonialism handlers:
* 1960s: Create 22 families under Development Doctrine of Decarama to serve USA’s IFIs, SEATO, CENTO driven Cold War strategy (Dictator Gen Ayub).
* 1980s: Create Jehadis under Islamist Doctrine of “Strategic Depth” to serve USA’s Proxy War against USSR in Afghanistan (Dictator Gen Zia).
* 2000s: Kill Jehadis under liberalism Doctrine of “Enlightened Moderation” to serve USA’s War on Terror in Afghanistan (Dictator Gen Musharraf).
* 2020s: Subdue Pakistanis under Doctrine of “Do-More-Sir-Yes-Sir” to serve USA’s Middle East-South China Sea-Central Asian war to curtail and encircle China??? (Dictator ???)

Interestingly enough, civilians were given short interludes of Sham-democratic rule in the intervening decades under tight supervision of manufactured destabilization.

See the neocolonialism workers developing the grounds for the new dictatorship. Many of them can’t see the big picture because they were purposively never told or taught post independence history or sociology.

I think the recent efforts to destabilize democracy in Pakistan and to install a new dictator will greatly help neo-colonialism of USA in curtailing the spread of China ‘s influence. Clipping the wings of CPEC can now only be done through a single-Call-UTurn dictatorship. The groundwork for converting CPEC from “game changer” to “game over” is being laid through:
(1) USAID funded economists who are already promoting the case of CPEC being economically infeasible,
And simultaneously
(2) non-elected elites (supporters of dictatorships historically) who are establishing the case that CPEC is just a means of corruption because ALL politicians are corrupt/traitors.


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