Only an Idiot does not take a U-Turn- Proud to be the Prime Minister of U-Turns

“I am proud to be the Prime Minister of U-Turns. Only an idiot does not take a U-Turn.”
He has the audacity, impertinence and insensitivity to say this in Moharram when everyone takes inspiration from Hazrat Hussain who sacrificed his life and every thing but did not take the U-Turn offered by Yazid.

IK is the person who said “only an idiot does not take a U-Turn” during Moharram. By saying this he eulogozed Gen Niazi and slandered the sacrifices of Major Raja Aziz Bhatti, Maj Tufail, Rashid Minhas and other shaheeds who did not take a U-Turn and gave their lives. He slandered Hazrat Imam Husain’s sacrifice too.

(Irfan Hyder Sep 16, 2019, 7:55 PM)


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