Using Rubrics to Manage Anxiety Created by LMS Based Online Assignments

Open ended assignments such as case studies, project reports, real life problems that are open book and are take-home types often lead to a mismatch of expectations of the students with that of the faculty members. This mismatch can make students work on Final Assignments for even 10-15 hours, not knowing whether they have met the expectations or not. This often creates anxiety. The tool for clearly defining your expectations is known as a “Rubric”:

“Rubrics are both assessment tools for faculty and learning tools for students that can ease anxiety about the grading process for both parties. Rubrics lay out specific criteria and performance expectations for an assignment.
They help students and instructors stay focused on those expectations and to be more
confident in their work as a result.” Creating and Using Rubrics )


This is a vast topic and can be understood through various resources such as:

Rubrics integration with grade ranges on IoBM Channel by Mr Yahya Ghazali.

This discussion is related to my other post:
How much time does it take to write an Exam in the LMS Based Online Assessment Taken in Asynchronous Mode.

Here are some other sources that provide a quick background to use of rubrics at other universities:


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