Category: Literature
Generation Inspired by Khairis and Aligarh: Ahsan Hyder and his German and French Teacher Abdul Sattar Khairi
Abdus Sattar Kheiri was my father’s teacher at Aligarh during 1934-35. Khairi along with his brother in 1917 had proposed the idea of Muslim state in British India. Attached is the recommendation that A. Sattar Kheiri wrote for my father Ahsan Hyder in 1939. During its transcription, I discovered several interesting links. My father had…
Imran Khan and Essential Leadership Requirements of a Leader
اقبال کے مطابق کسی لیڈر یعنی “میر کارواں” کے رخت سفر کے لئے صرف تین ضروری خصوصیات ہیں: نگاہ بلند سخن دلنواز و جاں پرسوز، جن کے زریعے ایک راہنما اپنے پیچھے چلنے والوں کو جوڑ کر رکھتا ہے، ان کو منتشر نہیں ہونے دیتا: نگاہ بلند سخن، سخن دلنواز، جاں پرسوز یہی ہے رخت…
Depressive Thoughts and Poetry- How Poetry Mellows and Enriches Social Interactions
What is the relationship between depressive thoughts and poetic expression? How poetry enables us to face hardships in our lives. What a mournful separation of the family members after the partition is depicted through poetry. Note the following message of eid Mubarak and its poetic response by members of the family across the divide. Also,…
My Most Memorable Readings- Tilism e Hoshrub and Dastan e Amir Hamza
My most memorable experience of reading Urdu books was the time spent in reading of Ferozsons’ Tilism e Hoshruba and Dastan e Ameer Hamza. ذندگی کے بہترین لمحات ان کتب کے ساتھ گزرے- اللہ تعالٰی مقبول جہانگیر اور اختر رضوی کے درجات بلند کرے- میں نے یہ کتب تیسری جماعت میں پڑھنی شروع کی- پہلی…
Ferozesons Children Urdu Novels Translated from English Novels
I would like to know if you can identify which of these books are translations of which authors of English books. What a wonderful time that I spent with these books. I read them in Urdu before I read them in English later on. Once upon a time I used to have a collection of…
Far From the Madding Crowd, Hardy and Me
Today I got off from the board meeting early and my flight was in the evening. I had a few hours to kill with nothing to do. I chanced upon a YouTube video snippet of Bathsheba Everdene and Sergeant Troy’s sword scene of 2011 remake of Far From the Madding Crowd. I didn’t like it…
Iqbal and Ahmedis and Qadianis
ایک پوسٹ کے جواب میں، جس میں قادیانیوں کی حمایت کی بو محسوس ہوئی، چند نکات پیش کررہا ہوں، امید ہے ٹھنڈے دل سے غور فرمائیں گے، حالاں کہ قادیانیوں کے معاملے پر مجھے یا ملت اسلامیہ پاکستان کو مزید کسی دلیل کی ضرورت نہیں، کہ انہیں ملک کا اعلی ترین ادارہ پارلیمنٹ غیر مسلم…
Love of Research and Books-Prof Ahmed Saleem
I went to meet Professor Ahmed Saleem at his home library. His house is in Judicial Town near Chhattar Park in a very picturesque setting at the foot of the hill with stream flowing near by. His library consists of his personal collection of over 45,000 books and a collection of newspapers since 1947 of…
A Tale of Two Live Performances of Pastoral- 6th Symphony of Beethoven and My Musical Journey
Here I recall the two experiences of my life while attending two live performance of Beethoven’s 6th Symphony, “Pastoral” and how they stimulated my love for Beethoven and classical music. The two experiences are spread apart by nearly thirty years. First was at UT Austin’s Bates Recital Hall in 1989 conducted by Louis Lane and…
To Kill a Mockingbird: A Personal Journey
I was around 10 when I saw the movie “To Kill a Mocking Bird” on PTV in 1971-72. That was the time when I didn’t focus on the dialogues but used to only concentrate on the emotions and feelings depicted. We didn’t have access to Internet or magazines with briefs about the programs or movies…
Recollection of an Unforgettable Recitation of Majaz’s Nazr-e-Aligarh
Today on Facebook I saw a video of some old students of Aligarh University reciting the official anthem in New York with a great deal of energy and lilt. This brought a recollection of a day in 1990s when I was dusting the bookshelf of my father Syed Ahsan Hyder and picked “Aahang”, a collection of…
What Legal Questions Perry Mason would have raised in SC Panama Case Disqualification of PM
Why read literature and history? It had been a great surprise for me that the lawyers representing the PM have failed to raise forcefully some basic and fundamental questions about due process of law and constitutional rights in the recent SC disqualification of the PM in the Panama Case Judgement. Interestingly, if they had read…
Importance of Literature in Law: A Case Study of the Panama Case Supreme Court Judgement
Importance of literature in law and legal judgments and arguments in the floor is an established tradition. This post collects together various quotations from masterpieces of literature in the Supreme Court judgement on the Panama Case Scandal on April 20, 2017. It also contains the references to Quranic definitions of Sadiq and Ameen. I think…