Category: PhD
Future of MPhil/PhD in Pakistan
Q: What is the future of MPhil/PhD done through universities in Pakistan? How to build your future through Research? Ans: Future of MPhil/PhD in Pakistan is now the same as the future of MPhil and PhD abroad— Future is only in research organizations and universities doing funded research! Future of MPhil is always a PhD.…
How to Identify Synthesis in the tables of your PhD Literature Survey
Instructions to my PhD students:Please note that The taxonomy master and taxonomy detail are only a “structured” way of organizing the information and identifying “codes” and discovering “themes and categories”. It is a tool to help you identify the literature support that leads to your PS. You need to transform this structured information into distilled…
Inter-Disciplinary and Multi-Disciplinary PhD Research
As I look back I am trying to connect the dots that I have been trying to follow the footsteps of Prof Dr JC Browne at UT Austin, TX, in multidisciplinary research. He was, my PhD Supervisor during 1990-95 whose pic is here: JC Browne’s students were from electrical and computer engineering department, computer science…
Library Search for Articles at UT Austin in 1989: How searching of articles has changed
Think about researchers who reviewed hundreds of papers that they had to access manually! UT Austin, Texas in 1987 had around 6 millions items distributed in several departmental libraries. Some of these were several storyed library buildings. There was also a huge 6 floor central library. For example, In Engineering building library each engineering discipline…
What is Originality in PhD Research- Explained Through a Concrete Example
I have often seen explanation of “originality” in research through abstract terms and ideas. Here I will try to explain the concept of originality in PhD research through the concrete example of Moodle which is an LMS. This example is chosen because PhD students today are very likely to have come across an LMS and…
How HEC Kills Creativity and How PEC Kills Creativity
How HEC and PEC kill creativity! They kill creativity by targeting the roots from where creativity and innovation originate. Creativity, innovation, new paradigms, new frameworks and and new ideas originate from out-of-the-box thinking, lateral thinking, inter-disciplinary aha experiences. However, HEC/PEC’s notion of quality works in the reverse direction; they force faculty, curriculum as well as…
Different Types of Research Contributions and Challenges in Defense
Paper Writing and Research Strategies [Copied from the net in 2012. Source unknown] Introduction Here is a brief reminder of how to write papers and what kinds of papers to write. Please also see the other materials on our web site on paper structure. What matters most about a paper is what the reader gets…
Quality and Duration of PhD Degree: Will HEC recognize Iqbal’s PhD ?
Do you know that Allama Iqbal’s PhD thesis would never have passed HEC’s quality criteria of minimum duration of three years for a PhD! Iqbal arrived in Germany between 17 to 20 July 1907. Munich University issued call for defense on 21st July. Defense was held on 10th November 1907. A group photo, of young…
Dynamic Role of Abstract in Guiding the Flow of Writing of a PhD Dissertation
Abstract is the first thing in a dissertation that is read, and is often the last. A dissertation is at most read by 1.6 people from end to end, including the author [1]. PhD dissertation is written to enable a researcher to find all information necessary for replicating the results and understand the thesis. Hence,…
Conference Marketing and Promotion-Where is the “conference” in a conference!
Conference Marketing and Promotion: Where is the “conference” in a conference? Marketing and branding of a conference depends upon its value proposition for its participants. Currently value proposition of most conferences is often every thing except the “confer” part of the conference, which means exchange of ideas and discussions. Typical value propositions of existing conferences…
What is Meant by Rigor of PhD Research
The rigor with which your hypothesis are tested and the methodology that is pursued differentiates a PhD from an MS/MPhil [1]. A PhD is held to higher standards of meticulousness and scholarship which becomes evident from the rigor of the analysis of conditions, constraints, variables that influence the experiment, and may have an impact observations,…
How Literature Review of a PhD Dissertation Presents the State of the Art: Synthesis vs Listing
Quality of literature review is what majorly differentiates a PhD Thesis from an MS Thesis. The qualitative difference is in the digestion and synthesis of the existing work into a framework on which your research contribution and sequence can stand. This synthesis of existing work in the topic area should itself be worthy of a…
What is a Problem Statement and its role in MS-PhD Research
I am coming across research proposals and dissertations where there is a section heading called “Problem Statement” under which you find several paragraphs containing everything except the “Problem Statement”! The problem statement seems to be embedded somewhere in these several paragraphs but never crisply, precisely stated in a single sentence. Statement is ONE sentence. The…
What is a Thesis Statement and its Role in PhD-MS Research
My supervisor JC Browne at the University of Texas at Austin during 1990-1993 made me write the problem statement and the thesis statement for every research paper that I would read for my literature survey. Since early 2000s, when I started supervising my research students, I have also found the “Thesis Statement” extremely useful in…
How to Read a Research Paper and Extract Problem Statement and Thesis Statement
Based on my experience of research supervision since 2002, I can safely say that if you do not know how to read a technical research paper and from it identify the problem statement and thesis statement and write them in a convincing readable manner then it would be difficult for you to complete your MS/PhD…
Conclusion vs Assumption in Research Writing- Flipping the Thread of Argument in your PhD Thesis
Conclusion vs Assumption in Research Writing- Flipping the Thread of Argument in your PhD Thesis Research especially PhD research is often not a predictable process. Starting with some assumptions we start moving in a particular direction, however, the direction may change a number of times during our journey. Initially, we may have started in a…
Discerning the Forest from the Trees – The Insights from my PhD Supervisor JC Browne
In the acknowledgement section of my PhD dissertation in 1994, I wrote: I appreciate the support and help of my advisor, Dr. James. C. Browne. His vision and ability to abstract away the details has taught me how to discern the forest from the trees. Working with him, I learned the full import of what…
What is the Difference between MS/MPhil Research and PhD Research
What is the Difference between MS/MPhil Research and PhD Research An MPhil/MS research differs qualitatively in two aspects with a PhD Research: (i) Quality of literature survey, and (ii) rigor of research methodology [1]. 1. Digestion and Synthesis of Related Research or Literature Survey. PhD literature survey requires a synthesis of the related literature in…
Depressive Moods and Psychology of a PhD Student: What Causes Depression and leads to dropouts or even suicides
The mood and psychology of thesis research students directly corresponds to their progress status. If you are making continuous progress you would be positive, if you are not making progress or are missing the advising sessions then you would be pessimistic. Your pessimism and your disappointment and disillusionment will continue to increase with the time…
Am I ready for MPhil/PhD Research: Self Checklist
Am I Ready to Embark on my Thesis/Dissertation Research? Self-Checklist. This checklist will help evaluate your status of preparation for embarking on your thesis research. If you have not carefully gone through this list, be prepared for depression and discouragement during your research: I know the difference between a thesis and a project. A project…
How to Select an MPhil/PhD Research Topic
To appreciate the following you must have read my post “What does it Mean to be a PhD: Myths of specialization and departmental scope of expertise“. How to Select the Area of My Research? Don’t spend too much time mulling over which area of research to concentrate on. If you feel that you have entered…
Why PhD?
Why energetic youth should pursue PhD? I think PhD is necessary for our youth, especially those who (1) have the opportunity and (2) have the academic background, for several reasons: I think it is ingratitude (na-shukri) of our youth who have the intellect and the opportunity to go for a PhD but do not. It is na-shukri…
A Formula is Worth a Thousand Pictures: Dijkstra vs Buzan’s Mind-Maps
A Formula is Worth a Thousand Pictures: Dijkstra vs Buzan’s Mind-Maps Problems with Pictures with too many details and Complexity I had the opportunity to attend Tony Buzan’s presentation of his famous Mind-Maps at the convention of Management Association of Pakistan held at Karachi in September 2014. Mind-maps became popular in Pakistan some years ago thanks to their use for…
Small is Beautiful: Why Small Businesses should Replace Big Businesses (A Case Study of Rickshaws vs Buses)
Major source of congested roads: Minibuses/vans not rickshaws Have you noticed a marked reduction of the concentration of minibuses often called yellow devils on the roads of Karachi lately? My heart fills with a feeling of comfort when I see these yellow devils and anticipate their dwindling fate, when I see them surviving with mostly empty seats, and…
Computer Revolution and Moore’s Law: A Personal Journey
Moore’s Law: Exponential increase in transistor density and speed In this post I trace a personal journey of my interactions with the evolutionary stages of computational machines. I feel my decisions in life have been shaped by forces which were not as clearly understood or even visible in the 1970s and 1980s as they are…
Pursuit of Excellence vs Guzara: How to teach excellence through everyday examples
This is late 1979, I had completed my intermediate, and my father had retired from his government job in Islamabad. We were moving back to Karachi from Islamabad via train in a reserved coupe of the economy class. The train system was already in a fast decline then. Gone were the days when the reserved…
Why PhD is Difficult to Complete and Why there are so many ABDs and PhD Dropouts
After debunking the myth of what does it mean to be a PhD and PhD myths related to specialization and departmental scope of expertise, this post debunks two of the myths about the difficulty of PhD. These two myths are responsible for discouraging many to pursue a PhD: Myth 1: PhD is hard because doing…
What does it Mean to Have a PhD: Myths of Specialization and Departmental Expertise
Following are the myths about the PhD degree that have created an aura of difficulty around the PhD degree that discourages many from undertaking the plunge. Myth: A PhD in your subject of specialization makes you the expert of the entire area i.e. department to which that subject specialization belongs. Myth: PhDs are department specific…
Plight of Sugarcane Growers: The Economic Costs of Regulatory Barriers for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs
During the winter holidays, often extending from mid of December to mid of January, I often drive to Islamabad and back. The biggest nuisance on the National Highway as you pass through the upper Sind and lower Punjab are the miles and miles of queued tractor trolleys with over loaded sugarcane. The sugarcane is loaded…
Fairness in Grading: A Lesson by the Great Dijkstra
Fairness in Grading: A Lesson by the Great Dijkstra In my another post “Beauty is Our Business: Mathematics and Dijkstra“, I describe how I came to be enrolled with Dijkstra at UT Austin in the course Capita Selecta and how he and his students understood the meaning of beauty and excellence. But, my intention of…