What Should New Students of a University Must Consider: Essentials of a University Education

Why Education and Why Higher Education

  • What is the Purpose of Education
  • What does it mean to be well educated and what is our mission
  • What is Higher Education
  • What is Impact can you create
  • What Impact on Society
  • What Impact on Industry and Economy
  • What should be your personal Impact 

Here is the detailed presentation: Why Education and Why Higher Education: Leadership in Life and Society
Orientation for Fall 2014 intake at IoBM on Sept 8, 2014

Six Trends that will Determine your Career Success in the 21st Century

  1. Shortening of Life Cycle of Organizations and Businesses
  2. From Life-Long Employment to Short-Term Engagements
  3. From Teaching to Learning
  4. From Knowledge Acquisition to Enterprising Creativity and Innovation
  5. From Management to Leadership
  6. From Choosing a Career Vision to Choosing your Purpose

Here is the detailed presentation: 6 Trends that will Determine your Career Success in the 21st Century

Presented at the Orientation for Fall 2015 intake at IoBM on Sep 5, 2015

Youth Leadership and Dave Ulrich – Orientation for University Students

  • Do I Know what I Want from life? What is my Vision?
    • Career and Scope; Liberate yourself from the Prison of the name of your Degree Program; Inter connectivity of the world allows you to connect from any discipline to any other discipline; From Career to your Vision
  • Who do I serve? What is my Mission and Purpose of Life?
    • Reflection; Think of People who are Not as Privileged; Social Leadership
  • How do I build a better place than what I have experienced? Which Skills do I need to acquire? Optimism
    • Life Long Learners and Skills that You Need to Acquire; Communication Skills, Reading Skills, Writing Skills, Communication and Networking Skills

Here is the detailed presentation: Youth Leadership and Dave Ulrich-Orientation for University Students
Orientation for Fall 2016 intake at IoBM on Sep 3, 2016

How to become a Life-Long Learner: Mission of Developing Life-Long Learners

1. Pursuit of Excellence vs Guzara
2. How to Discover your Inner-Calling 
3. Experiential Learning and Reflection 
4. How to become a reader and  
5. How to become a writer

How to become a Life-Long Learner: Mission of Developing Life-Long Learners
Orientation for Fall 2017 intake at IoBM on Aug 26, 2017

How to be a Change Leader and a Job Creator

  • Case Study of IoBM and Mr Shahjehan S Karim
  • Being Proactive
  • How to Change Behavior of Others: By Changing Yourself
  • Expanding Your Circle of Influence
  • Your Network of Friends
  • Organizational Effectiveness and Change Agents
  • Job Creation and Entrepreneurship
  • Reading and Observation
  • From Reading to Writing

Orientation for Fall 2018 intake at IoBM on Sep 1, 2018

5 Challenges for Designing your Professional Lives

  • 21st Century Challenges of the Information Age
  • Economic Challenges and Society
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Critical Thinking and Analysis
  • Learning and Experiential Learning
See the detailed presentation:   5 Challenges for Designing your Professional Lives
Orientation for Fall 2019 intake at IoBM on Sep 7, 2019

See Also: 

  1. 5 Challenges for Designing your Professional Lives 
  2. 5 Major Misconceptions of Muslim Parents regarding Parenting Challenges of the 21st Century
  3. A Tale of Two Live Performances of Pastoral- 6th Symphony of Beethoven and My Musical Journey
  4. A Tribute to Cricket for Spearheading my English Language Acquisition – Sports and Language Learning
  5. How Readers are Created. Ecosystem that Produces Readers
  6. How Schools Teach Students to Hate Reading: Mass Creation of Non-Readers
  7. How to Create Love for Poetry: A Tribute to Sir Ghalib Raza of ICB
  8. How to be a Change Leader and a Job Creator
  9. How to become a Life-Long Learner: Mission of Developing Life-Long Learners
  10. Sir Najmul Hasan of IBA and How to Determine the Extent of Your Success in Life
  11. Top 10 Reasons Why Students Fail in Semester System- Survival Guide
  12. What Should New Students of a University Must Consider: Essentials of a University Education 
  13. What does a Child Need? Mother’s Teacher-hood vs Motherhood
  14. Youth Leadership and Dave Ulrich-Orientation for University Students


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